Revealing Attire is Sexual Provocation and Sexual Harassment

(Guest Post by James Bond)

Everywhere we see men being harassed by calculating and predatory women. Women using their sexuality to harm men, distracting men at work, occupying boys’ seats in schools and colleges, wearing clothing that is both sinful and criminal. A woman who reveals her body is guilty of sexual harassment.

Clothes are a form of communication. Policemen, preachers, punks, firemen, businessmen, and prostitutes; all dress a certain way to reveal who they are. Similarly, a girl who dresses in revealing attire is telling the world who she is. In the past, even prostitutes used to dress decently, but today girls’ sinful clothing is being promoted in the name of freedom and liberation. This is oppression in its true sense.

In this day and age, girls revealing their bodies has become the norm. Feminists are fighting for girls ‘rights’ to wear short, transparent, and skin-tight clothes. Girls with plunging necklines are also fighting for their rights, unaware that whenever they bend, they show everyone their ‘rights’.

Miniskirts, skimpy tops and revealing dresses are not a choice. They are advertised in movies, music videos, magazines, billboards, advertisements, etc. to the point where girls feel it is normal to dress in revealing attire. And they often do so to fit in. This is systematic brainwashing. Now, it has gone a step further. Nudity is being promoted with frenzy. In feminist rallies, women go nude, models are nude in fashion shows, PETA has nude protests, women are nude in magazines, nudity can be seen in art, movies, music videos, etc.

Body image issues are creeping up, where every girl has to have the perfect body because they have been told to wear revealing attire through constant advertising, and of course, you cannot wear skimpy clothes without a toned body. Tags of ’emancipation’ and ‘liberation’ are attached to it. The truth is, being semi-nude in public is not being progressive. It is being retarded. Only animals don’t wear clothes. That is because animals don’t have brains like humans do.

Teenage girls are even lining up for plastic surgery to redo themselves, and millions of dollars are being spent on it. This is the result of constant brainwashing. This is what a materialistic and hedonistic way of life has done to women.

Our schools, colleges, and offices are not spared from women’s lewdness either. Miniskirts are the norm in educational institutes, whereas transparent shirts and skirts are a part of office attire. Everywhere, men are being distracted by open displays of obscenity. A woman at the workplace is a distraction, in whose presence a man cannot do his best work. She is also responsible for increasing affairs in offices, and the breaking of homes due to illicit relationships. She is answerable to God on the day of judgement.

A girl is guilty of a heinous sin if she reveals any part of her body. She is an adulterer and a temptress, who lures man into sin. It is not a trivial matter for women to dress provocatively and ignite lust in men.

My Wife’s Cruel Behavior Almost Killed Me

(Guest post by James Bond)

I was, like every man, excited about my marriage and looked forward to a life of bliss. Little did I know about the web of manipulation that was going to be spun to send my life twirling in a pit of darkness.

From day one, I could see that she suffered from a ‘princess complex’. She would not do any work in the house, citing it was a custom that until henna wore off, women did not do household chores. I knew it was an excuse to cover up for her laziness and sense of entitlement, but I did not want to have an argument so early in my marriage.

She asked me to make tea for her everyday, which was the height of her shamelessness. She said that before marriage her father gave her ‘bed tea’ everyday. I told her that she should have served her father, not the other way around, but she did not see anything wrong with it.

She wanted to go shopping everyday. Sandals, purses, perfumes, shalwar suits, bangles, cosmetics, trips to beauty saloons – every single day. This was in addition to her constant whining about wanting to eat out at different restaurants, again – every single day. After putting up with five months of insanity, I finally decided to become strict about her wild expenditure.

She started yelling at the top of her lungs, hurling abuses at me and my parents, telling me I was a lousy husband, and started throwing household items. After she created a scene, I called her father. Her brother received the phone, and came to my home. She narrated a completely different story to him, telling him how I was the one abusing her. He threatened me and left, citing how the law is in women’s favour. I knew exactly what that was supposed to mean.

She wanted to remain oblivious to my monetary burden and financial anxiety. After a couple of days, she stole my debit card and blew up thousands of rupees in a single shopping spree. It didn’t matter how much she shopped, it was never enough. If I intervened, which I did a few times, all hell would break loose. Yelling, cursing, throwing household items, abusing my parents – it was normal for her to behave like a lunatic whenever she didn’t get her way. She reminded me of a spoiled brat. The more you give a brat, the more she wants, and tantrums follow.

I was earning Rs. 50,000 a month, and that would vanish in a couple of weeks, and I had to pull out an extra Rs.25,000 – 30,000 from my savings. If I didn’t she would abuse and threaten me with a dowry case, and she would call her brother who would tell me what he would do to my family with his goons. I feared not only for my own safety, but also that of my family.

We had given her very expensive jewellery at the time of marriage, but she would constantly make fun of it, calling it cheap, and called me a miser. In public, she would humiliate me over trivial issues. She would start screaming on busy public roads, malls, restaurants, often creating a scene, resulting in people staring at us. I am sure if a man is doing the screaming, people would intervene, but since she is the privileged and entitled gender, she has a birthright to abuse a man.

No one could see my scars. Only they were not on my body. The psychological abuse that I was going through was worse than physical abuse. Having to put up with her yelling, curses, threats, abuse, humiliation, and the way my hard earned money was being wasted, and my saving were vanishing made me very depressed.

I couldn’t concentrate at work. My performance started to suffer. My colleagues could notice that there was something wrong. I asked my boss for leave, citing health problems.

I was living in hell. What made it worse was the fact that they could harm my family too. I didn’t know what to do, I started thinking of an escape. I finally mustered the courage to send her a divorce notice, knowing well that she could accuse me falsely of dowry harassment, but I was prepared for anything. I could not live with that woman one more day.

I sent her a divorce notice, prepared for anything. However, there was no response. I guess they were all bark and no bite. I was lucky, but not everyone is. I think about all those men who are driven to suicide by abusive wives. Men don’t report it due to the fear of draconian laws and social stigma. Men suffer in silence.

Homosexuality: Abhorrent and Abnormal

(Guest post by Babar)

Homosexuality being branded normal is the politically correct thing to do. After all, you don’t want to be seen different from the crowd, even though every cell in your body is screaming how filthy, sick, and demented homosexuality really is.

The common argument in favor of homosexuality is that they ‘feel’ attracted to the same sex, hence there is nothing wrong with it. By the same token, paedophilia, necrophilia, incest, bestiality, and other perverted forms of sex must also be normal, since people feel sexual attraction in the aforementioned things.

Some say that it is found in animals, so it is normal. How does an act of an animal justify abnormal behavior? Animals eat their feces and some even eat their young ones. Therefore, would it be sane to conclude that cannibalism is normal?

I do not promote hate against homosexuals, nor do I condone the harassment of homosexuals. However, I do condemn the filth that homosexuality is. There is no religion in the world which approves of homosexuality. It is a heinous sin according to all religions.

Manipulating God’s laws does not make something legal, moral, or ethical. People are punished in the form of disease, which is the result of disobedience. God has designed men and women to complete each other, and through marriage, they fulfill each other emotionally and sexually, while also providing a perfect balance for their children.

Homosexuals cannot procreate, so they can never have their own children. And if they adopt, their children will either have two dads or two moms. That is abnormal and unnatural. Furthermore, gays can only satisfy their sexual desire through anal sex. That again, is abnormal and unnatural. Everyone knows that the anus is not designed for penile penetration.

I have nothing against homosexuals, but it is natural to question the unnatural. In movies, blogs, and the media, homosexuality is being ‘normalized’ so that we get used to abnormality.

Of course, nothing abnormal comes without a hidden feminist agenda:

“Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women’s bodies.” – Andrea Dworkin

“Feminism is the theory, lesbianism is the practice.” – Ti-Grace Atkinson

I became a lesbian because of women, because women are beautiful, strong, and compassionate – Rita Mae Brown

“When a woman reaches orgasm with a man she is only collaborating with the patriarchal system, eroticizing her own oppression.” – Sheila Jeffrys

“All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman.” – Catherine MacKinnon

Why Feminists Hate Religion

(Guest post by James Bond)

The reason feminists hate religion and promote atheism is because everything feminism stands for is against religion. Feminists promote equality, homosexuality, abortion, divorce, indecency and immorality; and all these things are despised by God as depicted in religious scriptures.

The fundamental reason for the hatred of religion is that in all major religions of the world, women are commanded by their God to OBEY their husbands. All major religions give man exclusive authority. Pundits, priests, rabbis and imams are scared to preach their respective religions regarding man’s authority in order to please women, or for fear of a backlash. What a shame!

Feminism has nothing to do with women’s rights, it is not about equality either. Feminism is about following the devil and disobedience to God. Women who ask for equality are rebels who challenge God and his word. They are like Satan, who wanted authority in God’s kingdom. God does not grant women authority, only to men. Men are the heads of households. Men are to rule over women. Women must be obedient to their husbands, and a woman cannot be obedient to God without being obedient to her husband.

Regardless of which religion you follow, a woman’s place is in the home. She is supposed to take care of the home and family. With the advent of feminism, divorce rates have skyrocketed, because religion has taken a backseat. No religion, law, or philosophy believes that equality exists. Science has proven that equality does not exist. All religions teach that men and women are different in mind, body, and spirit. Feminism is a satanic cult used to control women in order to turn them into office slaves and masculine, childless, psych-med addicts. Women will never be men, no matter how hard they try, nor should they. Women have evolved over hundreds of years to care for the family and bear children. Men have evolved to provide and protect the family. It has worked to both sexes mutual benefit.

Today, countless women are free and on their own. They are economically independent and do not need a husband to provide for them. As a result, children are neglected and are also on their own. A woman’s body taken as a whole points to the fact that she is designed for motherhood, while a man has been created to work outside the home. However, feminists try to demean homemaking, make it sound like oppression, and brainwash women into the workforce away from the comfort and peace of their homes, while the real oppression occurs with the deranged idea of ‘equality’ in the form of broken homes, shockingly high divorce rates, neglect of children, abuse at the hands of babysitters, teen pregnancies, alcohol and drug abuse among teenagers, poor academic performances of children, and not surprisingly most criminals hail from single parent families.

Arthur Schopenhauer, the great German philosopher said:

The fundamental fault in the character of women is that they have no “sense of justice.” This arises from their deficiency in the power of reasoning and reflection, but is also partly due to the fact that God has not destined them, as the weaker sex, to be dependent on strength but on cunning; this is why they are instinctively crafty, and have an ineradicable tendency to lie.

For as lions are furnished with claws and teeth, elephants with tusks, boars with fangs, bulls with horns, and the cuttlefish with its dark, inky fluid, so God has provided woman for her protection and defense with the faculty of dissimulation, and all the power which God has given to man in the form of bodily strength and reason has been conferred on woman in this form.

Hence, dissimulation is innate in woman and almost as characteristic of the very stupid as of the clever. Accordingly, it is as natural for women to dissemble at every opportunity as it is for those animals to turn to their weapons when they are attacked; and they feel in doing so that in a certain measure they are only making use of their rights.

Therefore a woman who is perfectly truthful and does not dissemble is perhaps an impossibility. This is why they see through dissimulation in others so easily; therefore it is not advisable to attempt it with them.

From the fundamental defect that has been stated, and all that it involves, spring falseness, faithlessness, treachery, ungratefulness, and so on. In a court of justice women are more often found guilty of perjury than men. It is indeed to be generally questioned whether they should be allowed to take an oath at all.

Men are second-class travelers on DTC buses

(Guest post by Babar)

Men are treated like slaves in contemporary India: a glaring example is DTC (Delhi Transport Corporation) buses.

I had never used a DTC bus until my car broke down. After getting on one for the first time, I observed something unusual: Most of the men were standing while all of the women were sitting. Then I noticed something even weirder: There were signs mentioning that seats were reserved for women. I had to blink and look again, because I thought I had understood wrong. I realized I had observed correctly the first time around.

I witnessed discrimination in its true sense. I was reminded of the slavery that the black community had to face in apartheid-ridden South Africa under white supremacy. They were not allowed to sit if white people were on the bus. Only on DTC buses it is not racism but downright blatant sexism. No one dares to speak about it, for fear of being politically incorrect, and being labeled a chauvinist or a misogynist. (Women have used these shaming tactics for so long now they have actually started to lose meaning).

There may be an exception on the bus where a woman is pregnant, in which case other women are more than welcome to give up their seats. Why don’t women leave their seats for women, or for men for that matter? The answer is, women have been bestowed with social and legal privileges which they do not want to give up, yet they cry for equality!

Men are just as human as women, with the same feelings. Men are not some creatures who must go through daily routines of slavery on buses. A bus is a transport service granted to both men and women, and both genders have an equal right. To deliberately make one gender stand is incredibly misandrist, sexist, and discriminatory to say the least.

How would it come across if seats were reserved for men on buses? We would have a huge outcry by feminists, women’s groups would demand ‘justice’, and blogs would be splattered with articles crying ‘misogyny’. The truth is, it is men who have to go to work. A woman’s place is the home, and women were created to support their husbands. Women are occupying seats which are meant for men. Feminists whine that gender is a social construct, without failing to realize that if everyone was created to do the same thing, we would not have two genders.

Work related stress, workplace deaths, economic problems and suicides are what plague men today. Joblessness is most men’s number one fear, and this has been aided by the women’s liberation, where women take jobs selfishly so that they can spend on shopping and cosmetics, jobs which men need to support their families. In some families, no one earns, in others, both husband and wife. Working outside the home is not in a woman’s biology, and no working woman can ever be happy. True happiness for a woman lies in serving a man, mothering his children, and taking care of his house. All sorts of illicit affairs, adultery, and divorces have seen a sharp rise courtesy of women leaving their homes, abandoning their God given role, and trying to work like men.

We live in a world where misandry is not only common but appreciated. When a woman kicks a man in his testicles and he writhes in pain, it comes across as hilarious for women. When a woman thrusts broken glass in a man’s face and he is cut up, bleeds profusely and screams in pain, it becomes a congratulatory source for the attacker – the woman. Picture of a woman holding a man on a leash is supposed to be amusing. Sitcoms showing men as retarded is supposed to be part of good comedy. Left, right, and center, we see breeding grounds of misandry whose only purpose is the downfall of men, uplifting women, handing women social and legal privileges and then cries of equality.

We talk about equality, yet put women first, and men behind in everything. If a building catches fire, it is not difficult to guess who will be rescued first. It will be women. That is not equality. In a hostage situation too, women will be granted the privilege of being saved first. A man does not enjoy being held hostage any more than a woman does. What about a sinking ship? Women rescued and men left to die. No one cares about equality in life-threatening situations.

Women are privileged to spend a man’s earnings, always preferred in divorce courts, handed child custody in the majority of cases, less jail time for the same crimes committed by men, feminist institutions and women’s bodies regulate school policy, an accusation by a woman is seen as evidence, shelters only for female victims of domestic violence, media rarely covers men’s issues, majority of homicide victims are men, majority of workplace deaths are men, majority of homeless are men, majority of funding is spent on women’s health, men’s life savings are spent in alimony payments, even in two income families men bear the monetary burden, men face mandatory conscription, men are victims of paternity fraud, you name it.
Women only want equality when it works in their favor.

The Double Standard for Dowry

(Guest post by Babar)

We all know dowry as the gifts that the family of the bride give to the bridegroom, but we never talk about the untold misery and the millions of rupees that the family of the bridegroom spend in buying jewelry for the prospective wife, we don’t speak of the millions of rupees that the family of the bridegroom spend in purchasing bridal clothes for the prospective wife, we never mention the cost of the expensive engagement ring, we don’t discuss the price of gifts for the bride’s family and of course, the entire life that the man spends like a human ATM.

We don’t call the millions of rupees a man spends on jewelry, bridal clothes, engagement ring, gifts, etc. before his marriage on his prospective wife dowry. We don’t label it as an evil system that robs a man of his hard earned wealth. We don’t condemn it and call it wrong, a burden unnecessarily placed on a man in this day and age of economic problems. We all know that male suicide is over twice the rate of female suicide.  Yet we are happy to continue with the system of emptying a man’s pockets for his marriage, even landing him in debt at times, yet we only cry when the bride’s family has to give some gifts to the groom.

Blatant double standards, to say the least.

A man’s prospective marriage today has become a business deal. He is always asked how much he earns, which car he drives, how much money he has stashed in his bank account, whether his house/flat is his own or rented, etc. A man is reduced to the sum of what he owns, how much he earns, how much he has, etc. After marriage a man is constantly tortured by his wife with comparisons to other men and what they own. He is taunted for a better house, better car, better job, etc. Countless men are forced to take loans with interest which cause anxiety, health problems, sleepless nights, etc.

Men who are not financially well off are seen as somewhat inferior, as women and their parents hunt for rich grooms. Matrimonial ads always ask for ‘well-settled’ grooms. Women always marry men richer than them. A man has to be ‘well-settled’, own a house, car, have a huge saving and then feed his prospective wife for the rest of his life, spend on her shopping, cosmetics, clothes, trips to beauty parlors, restaurant visits, vacations, etc.

In this day and age, people are getting married later than ever witnessed in past generations, and some men don’t want to marry at all! Women wonder where all the good men have gone. The explanation is simple: (a) the demands and monetary burden society places on men at the time of marriage has deterred them from marrying, and (b) the ease with which a man can become a target of a false case of domestic violence or a fake case of dowry are severe disincentives for a man to even consider marriage today.

Not to mention getting ripped off of entire life saving in case of a divorce in alimony payments, child support, and having to part with half of one’s property in many cruel lawsuits.

The laws, media, and brainwashed members of society are biased in favor of women and they do not try to understand the cruelties inflicted on men with an unbiased mind. Society has burdened men with monetary obligations and has turned them into lifeless ATMs. Male suicides have shot through the roof and yet we keep supporting our biased views and double standards.

Dangal is feminist propaganda

(Guest post by James Bond)

If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts (Camille Paglia)

The vilification of Mahavir Singh Phogat

It is shocking to see the blogosphere filled with articles describing Mahavir Singh Phogat as a self-obsessed man, a monster, who forces his dreams on his daughters, and robs them of their childhood. In reality, it is clear when his daughters, Geeta and Babita, meet a girl who is about to get married who tells them how they are lucky to have a father who cares about them, and is training them so that they can have a choice when they grow up, they then choose to wake up early the next morning and start training. The surprised look on the father’s face speaks volumes about his daughter’s decision to choose to train for a better future. The conversation with the girl who was going to get married to an unknown person deposits something within Geeta and Babita. It fills the daughters with a sense of choice.

As for the training itself, there is no sports competition, or any competition for that matter, where the training is not tough. Agreed that Mahavir Singh Phogat was hard on his daughters, but it was to yield results, and so that his daughters could become successful. And they did. People calling the training abuse must also think it is abuse when parents force their children to study, or eat healthy, or stay away from TV, or any other detrimental activity. Look at any successful person in the world and you will see the amount of time and hard work that goes into their work. Often the roots have been set in early childhood, under strict parental guidance. It is called love. Not abuse.

No one seems to be speaking of the sacrifices that Mahavir Singh Phogat made. He believes in his daughters when no one else did, has to face ridicule and taunts from the entire village, fights with the organizers of the Dangal competition to allow his daughter entry, fights with her daughter’s coach at the Common Wealth Games, fights with his entire village, fights the world. He leaves his job when he was not allowed time off work to train his daughters, and upon being asked by his wife replies that he will support them by labouring on his farm. Why don’t we speak of Mahavir Singh’s sacrifices, his blood, tears and sweat. It would have been easy for him to continue working an office job, marry his daughters off and live a life free of worry. But he chooses to sacrifice.

One basic thing he does get wrong. The films tagline, “hamari choriyan choro se kam hain kya” is rubbish.

The False Siren of Equality

It is a fact that men are stronger than women. Physically, emotionally, intellectually. Women are designed to be caregivers, not providers. This is nature, and you cannot fight it. There cannot be two captains of one ship. Men think with their brains, women with their hearts. Men are better at making decisions, better at handling situations, better at work. All the Math and Science streams are occupied by men, while women choose humanities, nursing and arts. Women take more time off work, get tired quickly, complain, produce inferior quality work, and then whine about not getting equal pay.

A woman blogs about why she doesn’t want to hire women.

As for sports, the best male football player is better than the best female football player. The fastest man in the world is faster than the fastest woman in the world. The best male snowboarder in the world can do tricks with a higher degree of difficulty than the best female snowboarder in the world. The best male golf player can drive the ball farther than the best female golf player in the world. The list is endless. These are irrefutable facts. Men are better at sports. Men have more strength, more speed, more stamina, more skill. Men are more physically and mentally capable than women in almost every aspect. Watch the Olympics and compare women’s world records to men’s world records. It is hilarious. It should not come as a surprise to know that Australia’s seventh ranked women’s soccer team lost to a group of 15 year old kids.

Women are now entering male oriented fields like firefighting, army, police force, etc. They have physical standards lowered for them in order to pass, but in real life situations that can, and does, prove hazardous, putting people’s lives at risk. The video below shows exactly why:

Men ran, hunted, gathered, tracked, killed, etc. Women carried children and were helpers. Men risked their lives hunting. Women were offered food and protection. Even today, men are the majority of war deaths, mandatory conscription, and workplace deaths, so that women can be offered protection and food. Everything we have today is a result of men’s hard work, sacrifices, tears, sweat, and blood.

A woman’s purpose is to support a man so that he may be able to better do his work. This is merely the system by which humanity will best achieve greatness. Your feelings are of little significance. We have recognized this since the beginning of time. Open your eyes and consider how humanity as a whole operates.