Sluts are only worthy of a pump and dump

Delusion (noun): a post-wall woman, one who has been ravaged by dozens or hundreds of cocks, expecting devotion and love from a good man.

Today’s women, brainwashed by rom-com-porn, want “romance”.  They want good, healthy love.  They want attention and listening skills.  They want emotional support.  They want financial support.  They want social status.  They want a man in their lives.

But only those men are capable of providing romance and chivalry and commitment who are good men.  In their prime, these women ignored these good men in favor of badboys and tattooed jocks.  During their twenties, these women never gave these men the time of day.  And after having sampled enough badboy cock, these women wonder if there is true love in this world.

We think not.  Not for these women.

A good man is capable of devotion, romance and love.  But only to a woman who offers her devotion, romance and love in return.  And who, moreover, is young and unravaged and comes without baggage.

If a single mom of 40 expects “love”, she is bound for frustration and despair.  Why should a good man offer his love to such a woman?  What does she have to offer him in return, we wonder.  Her virginity?  Her innocence?  Her femininity and future motherhood?  Her nurturing and supportive nature?  No.  No.  No.  No and a thousand times no.

All she offers is a used up body, a dried up womb, and a hardened heart.

All she is worthy of is a pump and dump.

It is a tragedy self-inflicted by these women.  Let no one shed one tear for these delusional harridans.

They have made their bed, and they shall now lie in it.

5 thoughts on “Sluts are only worthy of a pump and dump

  1. Why don’t you reveal your name? Why hide behind anonymity if you think you your beliefs are infallible and there is nothing wrong with them. Scared much?


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